Our Process

Our Process

In our first meeting, we'll get to know each other. We’ll talk about your financial objectives, and what you’d like to accomplish with your financial plan. We’ll also share a little bit about our financial planning strategies and how we can help you achieve your goals.
Step 1 - Discovery
In addition to Financial Professionals, our dedicated team consists of experts in many specialized areas of insurance, tax planning and investment strategies:
  • Certified Financial Planners
  • Financial Attorneys
  • Case Strategy & Design Team
  • Enrolled Agent & Tax Planner
Call us today to see how we can help!
(904) 657-0896


Utilizing Family Tree’s proprietary Personal Financial Planning Questionnaire, we really get to know you. We ask many questions to understand what’s important to you, including your wants, needs, and goals.



Next, we take the data collected during Discovery in your Personal Financial Planning Questionnaire and make sure we fully understand all three phases of your financial resume (past experiences, present situation, and financial goals for the future). We also develop a thorough understanding of your budget restrictions, retirement income goals, risk tolerance, and time-horizon, as well as your biggest financial concerns and fears.


Collaborative Case Design

This is when your Financial Professional and a Senior Advisor, Attorney, CFP, or our company President design solution(s) for you. This is also when “shopping” for the right products and companies comes into play. Many factors are considered in this phase, like choosing the right carriers, health factors, tax bracket, hobbies, medical history, life expectancy (including genetic longevity) and much more.

By looking through such a wide lens with a wide array of products, companies and strategies available, we can offer the unique and unbiased solutions we pride ourselves on. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to financial planning: Our plans are built specifically for the individual we’re helping, and built with their desired results in mind.



Once we’ve properly analyzed the information in your Personal Financial Planning Questionnaire and collaborated to design an appropriate recommendation or two, it’s time for us to present our findings and potential solutions. We’ll discuss things you are doing well, financially speaking, as well as things you might want to adjust or stop doing depending on our findings. If you can improve your position and more efficiently reach or exceed your goals, this is when we present those recommendations.



Once you feel our recommendations are right for your situation, we implement the strategy. The bottom line: We want to recommend the right products from the right companies, use the right strategies, and ultimately create the right outcome for you.



Our relationship is an ongoing one. This process encourages each FTFG Representative to meet with their clients after the first six months of becoming a client and then annually to review their program. This way we can proactively address any needed changes – often, there are changes in income, family structure, life events, product, or interest rate changes, etc.. Regular reviews let us make necessary course corrections in a timely manner.